April 9, 2011

Get Those Dogs in Shape for Summer and an Update!

Peppermint Pumice Buffing Rounds 
A soap made with feet in mind. Buff away rough dry skin with the scrubbing power of pumice in a gentle base of skin nurturing olive oil soap. Fresh cooling peppermint helps feet feel clean and rejuvenated. 

It's that time of year for flip flops, sandals and barefeet and those dogs have been cooped up all winter - they're rough, dry and need some TLC  - a Peppermint Pumice Buffing Round is just the ticket.

Update on the website front - we're very close to going live. Stay tuned.


Teresa said...

I thought you were talking about dog shampoo soap! hee hee
Actually, coffee soap is great for washing the pups.
A soap for my tootsies sounds better tho...
Great job!

Bobbins and Balms said...

funny, i thought it was a doggy one first too...LOL!